Celebrating New Year's Eve with your dog 2023: 10 tips for calming down

Silvester feiern mit Hund 2023: 10Tipps zur Beruhigung

Every year, as New Year's Eve celebrations approach, a certain level of unrest arises among dog owners. Because while the fireworks and loud firecrackers are a spectacle for us, New Year's Eve can become a nightmare for our four-legged friends. Anxious dogs often suffer from stress and panic due to the loud noise that accompanies the turn of the year.

You probably know this too: your loyal four-legged friend hides in fear in a corner, trembles and reacts nervously to every bang. But don't worry, there are ways to make New Year's Eve as stress-free as possible for your dog. In this blog post you will learn ten valuable tips on how you can allay your dog's fear of New Year's Eve fireworks. Together we can ensure that your dog also has a relaxed start to the new year.


Why New Year's Eve is stressful for dogs

For many dogs, the loud bangs and bright light of fireworks are frightening. This can lead to behavioral changes ranging from shaking and hiding to unwanted behavior such as barking or even flight responses.

1. Timely preparation is key

Start preparing weeks before New Year's Eve. Slowly get your dog used to loud noises, for example by playing quiet fireworks sounds and slowly increasing the intensity.

2. Create safe retreats

Give your dog the opportunity to retreat by providing him with a safe and familiar place. This can be a cozy retreat in a darkened room.

3. Use calming music or sounds

Play soothing music or sounds to drown out the noise of the fireworks and relax your dog. There are special CDs or apps for this.

4. Use proven relaxation techniques

Use proven relaxation techniques such as gentle stroking, calming words and anti-stress medication recommended by veterinarians.

5. Physical activity on New Year's Day

Make sure your dog gets enough exercise on the day of the New Year's Eve fireworks. An exhausted dog is calmer and more relaxed.

6. Maintain familiar rituals

Stick to usual rituals to give your dog security. This can be playing together, the usual feeding time or the usual walk.

7. Offer special New Year's treats

Offer your dog tasty variety in the form of chews or snacks to distract him from the sounds of the fireworks.

8. No punishment for fear reactions

Don't punish your dog for his fear reactions. This will only increase the fear and make the situation even more stressful for your dog.

9. Don't forget aftercare

Even after New Year's Eve, your dog may need encouragement and attention. Be patient and loving to reduce any remaining fears.

10. CALMA CBD oil

If you have already tried many tips but nothing really helped, we would like to introduce you to a natural solution: CALMA CBD dog oil.

Our 100% natural oil without chemical additives can help your dog start the new year calmly. But how exactly? Let’s take a look at how CALMA CBD drops can help your dog through the New Year’s Eve noise.

How do CALMA CBD drops help your dog get through the noise on New Year's Eve?

CBD is a natural messenger substance that interacts with the endocannabinoid system within minutes. It blocks and regulates malfunctions in the body. This system is additionally supported by the administration of plant-based CBD.

Promoting natural relaxation in dogs through CBD

Anxiety and panic states in dogs can often be triggered or exacerbated by chemical processes in the body. This happens, for example, through an overproduction of adrenaline or cortisol. CBD regulates this overproduction and helps the dog relax naturally.

Early CBD administration for relaxed fireworks nights

To ensure that your dog optimally benefits from the calming properties of CBD, we recommend starting administration at least 1-2 weeks before the first fireworks display. The sooner the better. Through regular administration, CBD can develop its effect and support your dog in exceptionally stressful situations right from the start.

We wish you and your furry friend a merry Christmas and a calm, fear-free start to the new year!


Discover natural serenity with CALMA CBD dog oil now and experience relaxed holidays with your four-legged friend!
🎄 ✨ 🐶
PS: So that you can give your dog the drops as quickly as possible and achieve the best result, we offer delivery throughout Germany within 1-2 days.

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Prof. Dr. Niemeyer

CALMA CBD expert

Dr. Niemeyer is a renowned expert in the field of cannabidiol (CBD) research. With a doctorate in pharmacology, she specializes in researching the therapeutic uses of CBD. Through years of work, she has made significant contributions to the scientific community and is internationally recognized for her research on the effectiveness of CBD for various medical conditions, including pain relief, anxiety and neurological disorders. Their work has not only deepened the understanding of how CBD works, but also helped open new avenues for the development of CBD-based therapies. Dr. Niemeyer is passionate about educating people about the potential benefits of CBD.