Taking CBD oil: Everything you need to know

CBD Öl Einnahme: Alles was man wissen muss

How do you take CBD oil? - The ideal use of CBD oil is not to simply swallow it quickly. Of course that is a possibility, but some of the effect is lost. The most effective way to take CBD drops is to drip them under the tongue with a pipette and leave them there for a short time so that the oral mucosa can absorb the hemp extract and the active ingredient quickly enters the bloodstream. This special form of intake is called “sublingual”.

What does “sublingual” mean?

The term "sublingual" comes from Latin

(sub for "under" and lingua for "tongue")

and refers to everything that is below the tongue. In the pharmaceutical context, "sublingual" refers to the dosage form of medication in which absorption occurs through the tongue and oral mucosa.

Higher bioavailability: maximizing active ingredient absorption

Taking CBD oil sublingually is preferred as this is the most effective way to exploit the oil's maximum active ingredient potential. Absorption through the oral mucosa enables faster absorption without affecting the intensity of the action. In contrast to oral intake, the active ingredient enters the bloodstream more quickly with the sublingual method. The veins of the oral mucosa transport blood directly into the superior vena cava. When taken orally, where the CBD drops are simply swallowed, the active ingredient must first enter the bloodstream via the liver. This leads to lower effectiveness of the cannabidiol. By taking it sublingually, the liver is essentially bypassed, similar to a bypass. In addition, the sublingual application of CBD oil makes it much easier to take if you have difficulty swallowing.

In this method, the CBD oil is placed under the tongue and left there for 60 to 90 seconds before swallowing. In this way, the active ingredients reach the bloodstream directly via the glands under the tongue. In contrast to oral intake, where some of the active ingredients are lost in the digestive tract due to the first-pass effect, sublingual intake can lead to a significantly higher bioavailability of up to 35%.

Faster onset of action: Experience fast results

Taking it sublingually allows a direct route into the bloodstream, meaning CBD takes effect more quickly. Studies suggest that the potential “peak effect” of CBD is reached in as little as 10 to 15 minutes when taken sublingually. In comparison, it can take several hours when taken orally because the metabolism in the digestive tract requires longer processing time.

Good to know: The absorption of the drops through the stomach increases as the stomach fills up. Depending on how much was taken beforehand, it may take 15 to 30 minutes for the effect to occur. An empty stomach can speed up the onset of action.

Optimal intake of CBD oil: How often is recommended?

The frequency of taking CBD oil is not uniformly established, but there are general guidelines that can help determine the ideal dosage. An important factor is the CBD concentration of the oil. With a highly concentrated CBD oil, taking it once or twice a day may be sufficient. However, for an oil with a lower CBD concentration, taking it several times a day can be considered.

The reason for taking CBD oil also plays a role. When it comes to general well-being, taking it once or twice a day may be sufficient. Start with a low dose and increase slowly to find the optimal amount for your individual needs.

Long-term use of CBD

CBD can be taken long-term, especially for chronic conditions such as pain, epilepsy or persistent anxiety. CBD is considered safe and usually does not develop tolerance to the active ingredient.

Short intake of CBD

It is also possible to take CBD for a limited time, for example for acute pain. For temporary problems such as acute back pain, CBD can support mobility until the pain subsides.

CBD as needed

Taking CBD as needed is another option. On particularly stressful days, taking additional cannabidiol can help you relax. CBD can also be taken once before important events such as lectures or speeches to reduce nervousness.

When should you take CBD oil?

Deciding when and how often to take CBD should depend on the desired effects. These factors can vary depending on the time of day and individual needs.

Morning: An energetic start to the day

If you're looking for an energetic start to the day, taking CBD in the morning could be an interesting option. This natural dietary supplement can not only lift your mood, but also ensure that you start the day with positive energy. By activating the endocannabinoid system, CBD can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

Evening: For a restful sleep

Taking CBD in the evening can be a valuable support for a restful sleep. In the right dosage, CBD can help relieve problems falling asleep and promote deeper sleep. This is especially important for people who suffer from sleep disorders or simply long for peace and relaxation after a stressful day. The calming properties of CBD can ease the transition to a peaceful sleep.

Frequency: Customize

The ideal frequency of taking CBD depends largely on individual needs and desired effects. For chronic pain or anxiety, taking it regularly 2-3 times a day has proven to be effective. This helps maintain consistent levels of CBD in the body, which can result in long-lasting effects.


  • One method is to fill a spoon with the desired number of drops and then place the spoon and the oil under the tongue.
  • Another popular method of taking CBD oil is by adding it to food and drinks. This method of consumption is great for masking the taste of CBD oil, especially if you don't like it. But note that cannabidiol is a lipophilic molecule, meaning it dissolves well in fats and oils, but not in water. When CBD drops are added to water, they do not dissolve but rather float on the surface of the water. If you prefer to consume CBD through drinks, you can drink hemp tea or hemp coffee, for example.
  • Adding CBD oil to fatty foods, on the other hand, is very effective because cannabidiol dissolves well in it. British researchers have even shown in a CBD study that the bioavailability of CBD more than quadruples when taken with high-fat foods. Combining CBD oil with food is particularly popular because the CBD carrier oils used, particularly hemp seed oil, can cause a bitter and unpleasant aftertaste for some users. However, it is now known that it is worth putting up with this taste in order to exploit the full potential of its effects by taking it sublingually.

Easy to use: Uncomplicated to use in everyday life

For many people, taking sublingually is easier than taking tablets because they only need to put a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue. This is not only comfortable, but can also be easily integrated into everyday life.

Minimal side effects: safety first

Compared to intranasal use, where CBD is inhaled through the nose, the sublingual method has fewer side effects. While intranasal administration may have greater bioavailability, the potential health risks of inhaling CBD smoke or vapors are not yet fully understood. Sublingual administration therefore remains a safe alternative.

Easy availability: Discover the variety of CBD products

The growing popularity of CBD oils has led to the wide availability of high quality products. CBD products are legally available in many countries and the selection ranges from different strengths to different flavors. Research into the therapeutic potential of CBD is progressing and will lead to an increasing variety of products on the market.

Longer shelf life: Keep CBD products fresh

The shelf life of CBD products depends on the extraction method. The CO2 extraction used for high-quality CBD oils preserves the plant's natural properties and ensures chemical stability. This means the product has a longer shelf life.

The optimal place to store CBD oil is a dark and cool place, either a regular cupboard or the refrigerator. As long as it is protected from water, air and direct sunlight, CBD can be easily stored for long periods of time.

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Prof. Dr. Niemeyer

CALMA CBD expert

Dr. Niemeyer is a renowned expert in the field of cannabidiol (CBD) research. With a doctorate in pharmacology, she specializes in researching the therapeutic uses of CBD. Through years of work, she has made significant contributions to the scientific community and is internationally recognized for her research on the effectiveness of CBD for various medical conditions, including pain relief, anxiety and neurological disorders. Their work has not only deepened the understanding of how CBD works, but also helped open new avenues for the development of CBD-based therapies. Dr. Niemeyer is passionate about educating people about the potential benefits of CBD.