CBD oil in creams

CBD Öl in Cremes

CBD in cosmetics is the new trend that is now coming to Europe from the USA. Celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston are already enthusiastic users of the active ingredient from the female hemp plant.

CBD is not only known for its therapeutic effects, but is also increasingly used in cosmetics for a refreshed complexion, smooth skin and an even glow. Cannabidiol is the main ingredient in all CBD products. In contrast to THC, which is responsible for the well-known intoxication, cannabidiol has no psychoactive effects. Therefore, CBD cosmetics are not only legal, but also healthy. However, it is important that the THC content of CBD oils taken orally is below 0.2 percent so that they meet EU legal requirements.

In addition to cannabidiol, CBD ointments and creams also contain carrier substances that are natural and nourish the skin. Recommended additives include tea tree oil, hemp seed oil and shea butter, which can have positive effects, especially on dry skin. Herbal substances such as lavender, rosemary and marigold are often used to influence the scent and achieve additional effects.

  • As we age, the body's own collagen production decreases, the skin becomes drier and loses elasticity. CBD and hemp seed oil nourish the skin intensively and provide it with plenty of moisture.

  • Antioxidants play a crucial role in the fight against free radicals. CBD is known for its antioxidant potential and, similar to vitamin E, can strengthen the immune system and support skin prone to wrinkles.

  • Inflammation and skin irritation accelerate the aging process; even the smallest inflammations, so-called inflammations, can contribute to this. CBD appears to be one of the few natural substances that have strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This is particularly beneficial for problematic skin prone to inflammation and breakouts, and could even give new hope to acne sufferers.


Medicinal ingredients

Cannabidiol (CBD) is said to have anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects on both the skin and the mind of the user. Higher concentrations are often considered more effective, although even small amounts can help reduce chronic inflammation such as acne. CBD is also recommended for anxiety, cycle disorders, allergies and muscle tension.

Medicinal ingredients also play an important role in the production of CBD creams.

Some of the most important are:

  • Zinc: Supports wound healing, relieves itching and pain.

  • Dexpanthenol: Helps regenerate the skin and is contained in many medicinal ointments.

  • Bisabolol: Has anti-inflammatory properties and is often used for sunburns and burns.

Benefits of CBD for skin problems

CBD can help with a variety of skin problems:

Irritated, red and dry skin:

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe skin irritations and strengthen the skin barrier, allowing it to better retain moisture.

Impurities and large pores:

CBD's antibacterial properties can help fight acne and shrink pores.

Wrinkles and sagging skin:

CBD oil is rich in antioxidants that can fight free radicals and tighten skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, neurodermatitis or psoriasis:

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD make it an effective treatment option for various skin diseases.

CBD for psoriasis

Psoriasis, also known as psoriasis, is a long-term, non-contagious and at the same time one of the most common skin diseases worldwide. Because it occurs in scale-like forms, which brings with it the symptoms of red, itchy and painful skin, it is a disease that can have a major impact on the quality of life of those affected. Because the disease cannot be cured and the treatment methods used, such as steroid creams, light therapy and systemic medications, often only offer short-term improvements and are often associated with side effects, those affected are looking for other natural healing options.

Since CBD also has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, studies show that CBD can be used specifically as a natural treatment for psoriasis and can alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of psoriasis are:

  • Red, raised, inflamed areas of skin that may be covered with silvery-white scales.

  • The affected areas may itch, burn or hurt.

  • The skin may become dry and cracked, which can lead to bleeding.

  • The nails may be thickened, discolored, or detached.

  • Joint pain and stiffness may occur, which is called psoriatic arthritis.

But how can CBD help with psoriasis?

CBD primarily targets the overactivity of the immune system, which plays a crucial role in the development of psoriasis. By regulating the immune response, CBD can help normalize the excessive production of skin cells, directly addressing the underlying cause of the disease. This immunomodulatory effect forms the basis for the further therapeutic effects of CBD in psoriasis.

Anti-inflammatory: Based on the ability to modulate the immune response, CBD uses its strong anti-inflammatory properties to effectively reduce redness and swelling. This direct anti-inflammatory action is crucial to minimizing the visible symptoms of psoriasis and providing relief to those affected.

Pain relief: In addition, CBD has a significant pain-relieving effect, which is particularly important for people with painful psoriasis plaques. By tackling pain directly at the source, CBD serves as a natural alternative to traditional painkillers to reduce the itching and discomfort associated with the condition.

This comprehensive mechanism of action, ranging from immune modulation to anti-inflammatory effects to pain relief, makes CBD a promising option for the treatment and management of psoriasis.

Application of CBD creams & ointments

Products such as creams and ointments are characterized by their targeted effect. They can be applied directly to the affected skin areas and are therefore particularly effective in treating local symptoms such as inflammation and itching. These products are formulated in such a way that they can penetrate deep into the skin and develop their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties without affecting the entire organism. Another advantage is that they often contain additional moisturizing ingredients that nourish and keep the dry, cracked skin that often occurs with psoriasis supple.

Application of CBD cream

Before use, the affected area of ​​skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before applying the CBD cream or ointment thinly. With regular use, skin problems can be significantly alleviated.

Taking CBD oil

For effects that go beyond local symptom relief, oral intake of CBD is recommended. CBD oil administered sublingually (under the tongue) can quickly enter the bloodstream and have a widespread effect throughout the body. CBD capsules offer a discreet and easy way to consume CBD, with the benefit of accurate dosage.

When used sublingually, the oil should be held under the tongue for approximately 60 seconds to ensure optimal absorption. The dosage can be adjusted gradually. It is advisable to start with a low dose to observe the body's individual reaction and adjust the dosage accordingly.

Combined use of CBD products

The combined use of CBD creams and CBD oil can represent a comprehensive strategy for treating psoriasis. While topical products specifically treat local symptoms, oral forms can reduce systemic inflammation in the body and help provide general pain relief. This holistic approach can significantly improve the quality of life of those affected.

The selection and use of CBD products for psoriasis should always be done in consultation with a medical professional, especially if you are already taking other medications.

CBD for acne

Acne is more than just an annoying skin disease. It can severely affect the self-esteem of those affected and lead to psychological stress. Despite numerous make-up products, skin imperfections often remain visible. But there is hope: CBD, a natural active ingredient, can improve the complexion.

Acne is the result of hormonal irregularities that occur primarily during puberty. Overproduction of sebum leads to clogged pores, inflammation and possibly even scarring. The dermatologist is the first point of contact for acne, but can only help to a limited extent.

Effects of CBD on the skin

Studies have shown that cannabinoids found in hair follicles and sebaceous glands can influence the activity of these glands. CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect and can regulate sebum production. It also affects the body's hormonal system, which can be helpful in treating acne.

Use of CBD for acne

CBD products are diverse and can be used both externally and internally. CBD oil, for example, can be dripped under the tongue and has an effect throughout the body. Special CBD masks and facial creams can be applied directly to the skin to reduce inflammation and regulate sebum production.

CBD for hay fever

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to certain pollens that causes seasonal symptoms in many people. Symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and sinus infections can interfere with daily life. While traditional treatment with antihistamines and nasal sprays is often effective, many people are looking for more natural alternatives such as CBD oil.

Hay fever is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. The immune system's reaction leads to the release of histamine, which causes the typical hay fever symptoms such as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes and sinus infections.

Conventional treatment of hay fever

Conventional treatment for hay fever includes antihistamines and nasal sprays, which can relieve symptoms. In more severe cases, nasal sprays containing corticosteroids or immunotherapy are also recommended, but these often have undesirable side effects.

How can CBD oil help with hay fever?

CBD oil offers a natural alternative to traditional hay fever medications. It also has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, without the serious side effects of antihistamines.

By regulating the immune system and reducing inflammation in the body, CBD can be very helpful in relieving hay fever symptoms. And although it has not yet been sufficiently scientifically researched, many people report positive experiences with CBD oil for hay fever. It can be taken in different forms, e.g. B. as an oil or spray, and works quickly.

Dosage of CBD oil for hay fever

The correct dosage of CBD oil depends on various factors, including body weight and individual tolerance to CBD. It is recommended to start with a low dose and observe the effect before slowly increasing the dose.

We recommend starting with 2-3 drops daily and slowly increasing this dosage.

Are CBD products from the pharmacy recommended?

According to strict EU regulations and controls, products sold in Germany must not pose any danger to consumers. In April 2019, however, the drugstore chains Rossmann and dm had to temporarily remove their dietary supplements containing cannabidiol (CBD) from their range after random samples revealed that the permissible THC content was exceeded. In addition, the EU Commission maintains a database in which the ingredients approved for use in cosmetics are listed and evaluated. According to this “Cosing” database, consumers of trustworthy and high-dose CBD products can rely on various effects, including skin care, skin protection, antioxidant properties and a sebum-reducing effect, as experts explain.

In the case of lifestyle products, which often only contain small amounts of CBD, it is primarily the additives and not the CBD itself that are responsible for the advertised effects. In the beauty sector, these products are often enriched with natural substances such as tea tree oil, lavender or rosemary to enhance the nourishing properties.

Our CALMA CBD oil contains 0.0% THC.

Production of our own, high-quality CBD cream

Our skin is a sensitive organ that can easily become unbalanced due to environmental influences, stress or genetic factors. From impure skin to dryness to premature skin aging - the list of skin problems is long and varied. Luckily, there is a natural solution: CBD, also called cannabidiol, which is extracted from the hemp plant. Modern dermatological research has shown that CBD oil and other natural oils can effectively support the treatment of various skin problems.

In addition to CBD, other natural oils such as argan oil, rosemary oil, almond oil and hemp oil are also very important for skin care. Hemp oil and CBD oil in particular contain a balanced mix of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that support skin health . The gamma-linolenic acid it contains has anti-inflammatory properties and can penetrate deep into the skin to fight inflammation and promote skin regeneration.

That's why CBD is becoming increasingly popular in cosmetics. In addition to the numerous products available in stores, which often only have a very low CBD content, you can also easily make your own CBD cream yourself. The selection is therefore not limited to creams, but also applies to shower gels, ointments or balms. Our recommendation: simply make your own CBD cream. This means you have the opportunity to continue using your usual cream and also enjoy the benefits of CBD.

The 30% CBD oil is also very suitable for particularly relaxing massages.

How do I use CALMA 30% CBD oil to achieve an anti-aging effect?

CALMA's CBD oil consists of only two purely herbal ingredients :

  • High-quality MCT oil, obtained from coconuts
  • Premium CBD from ORGANIC hemp made in Switzerland under the strictest conditions.

In the mornings and the evenings :

  • 2-3x droplets into the day cream
  • 1-2x droplets into the evening mask

At night:

  • Before going to sleep, we recommend putting 2-3 drops under your tongue and letting them work for about 60 seconds.

Make your own CBD cream - it's that easy

Before you start, make sure you have all the ingredients and utensils on hand.


  • 3 grams of Emulsan

  • 1-2 grams cocoa butter/shea butter/beeswax

  • 30 ml distilled water

  • 15 ml argan oil/safflower oil/grape seed oil

  • 5 drops of CALMA 30% CBD oil


  • 1 pot that is no longer used for cooking

  • 2 fireproof bowls

  • 1 thermometer

  • 1 lockable glass jar

  • 1 hand blender

  • Make sure all utensils and surfaces are clean and sterilized to ensure the quality of your cream.

Step 1: Heat the ingredients

  1. First fill the pot with approx. 300 ml of water and bring the water to the boil.
  2. Then hang a fireproof bowl in the pot to create a water bath.
  3. Add cocoa butter, shea butter or beeswax to the bowl and let it melt slowly.
  4. Add the emulsan and stir until completely melted.
  5. Gradually add the argan oil, safflower oil or grape seed oil and mix well.
  6. Finally, add the CBD oil or CBD flowers and stir well.

Step 2: Allow the mixture to cool

Remove the bowl of mixture from the water bath and allow it to cool to room temperature.

Then check the temperature of the mixture with a thermometer and wait until it cools to around 40°C.

Step 3: Prepare water

While the mixture cools, heat the distilled water in the second ovenproof dish to the same temperature as the mixture.

Step 4: Mix the ingredients

Once both mixtures have reached the same temperature, the distilled water is slowly poured into the oil mixture.

Emulsify the mixture well with a hand blender. Finally, stir until a homogeneous cream is formed.

Application, side effects and shelf life of the CBD cream

Since homemade CBD cream does not contain any preservatives, it has a limited shelf life. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for about 6 to 12 weeks or frozen for a longer period of time. It is used like a conventional cream, although the amount can be varied as needed. Side effects are rare because cannabidiol is well tolerated and has a local effect. However, if skin irritation occurs, you should consult a dermatologist.

CBD cosmetics offer a natural and effective way to care for and treat your skin. By making your own products, you can take full advantage of the benefits of CBD and enjoy personalized skin care.



Frequently asked questions:

Is CBD good for skin?

Yes, the soothing properties of CBD help sensitive skin. It regulates and soothes the skin, helping to reduce problems such as redness and irritation.

Which skin diseases can CBD help with?

CBD can help with skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis or eczema.

How does CBD help with skin problems?

Several studies show that CBD has a calming effect on the skin. The active ingredient can help with sensitive skin and skin problems. CBD inhibits sebum production and regulates the natural skin barrier.

How can CBD be used for acne?

CBD can be applied directly to the skin in the form of creams or serums to reduce inflammation and regulate sebum production.

What other positive effects does CBD have on the skin?

CBD can soothe reddened and stressed skin, mattify the skin and stabilize the pH value in the long term, resulting in an improved complexion.

Can you use CBD products for skin without acne?

Yes, CBD products are also suitable for people without acne. They can care for the skin, soothe it and prevent premature aging.

Can CBD also work from the inside?

Yes, CBD can also be taken orally, for example in the form of CBD oil. Together with other active ingredients such as pantothenic acid and zinc, it can effectively combat skin imperfections.

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Prof. Dr. Niemeyer

CALMA CBD expert

Dr. Niemeyer is a renowned expert in the field of cannabidiol (CBD) research. With a doctorate in pharmacology, she specializes in researching the therapeutic uses of CBD. Through years of work, she has made significant contributions to the scientific community and is internationally recognized for her research on the effectiveness of CBD for various medical conditions, including pain relief, anxiety and neurological disorders. Their work has not only deepened the understanding of how CBD works, but also helped open new avenues for the development of CBD-based therapies. Dr. Niemeyer is passionate about educating people about the potential benefits of CBD.